hi lj. i aten't dead. it's just been a while (the reason for that is a whole other post) and the longer you don't post, the harder it is to post. i mean, shit piles up and then you have, like, a month's worth of stuff to share
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happy late birthday amberdreams! your ideas for bigbang art are fabulous. :D also you're just a genuinely talented and nifty human being
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we like that he goes to the gym, ie "cindy forgets she's talking into a microphone in front of hundreds of people plus the greater hemsworth". you can see on tom's face the moment i finish my sentence.
totally unrelated, mostly, the avengers were an actual group of people. they were called the nokmim, and they were jewish former partisans who
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today is new beer's eve, aka the day before prohibition officially ended and americans could officially drink real beer again. tomorrow, if you drink, raise a glass for the repeal of the utter failure that was prohibition
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